Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Riding In Groups

(okay, as a commuter, that doesn't happen often - but you were wondering, weren't you? This is part of a good little booklet.)

Free Coffee (or cheaper)

... you got it... the local baristas will be giving discounts and giveaways to bicycle commuters on Friday. Uncommon Grounds, Starbucks, Espresso Royale and Strawberry Fields have said they'll participate. I believe Starbucks has even said they'll give a free iced tea, which warms the heart of this coffee-free person. (Not caffeine free - but I don't like the taste of burnt beans. Burnt leaves are better, I suppose ;) )
Ride of Silence Handout (it's a Word file):

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ride of Silence

Proposed Ride of Silence Route:

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Oh, and another little nicety. Some time ago, I was coming down Anderson at night (very well lit, though) and felt the need to pull off and stop because thhe oncoming bus "needed" the whole road; yes, the bus has to swing wide for the turn, but it stayed "wide."
Monday night the same scenario played out, except that this time the bus waited and didn't turn. I reciprocated by putting the pedal to the mettle and scooting by.
I'm willing to wait for busses & wait behind busses and what have you (especially since I don't exactly have an anonymous vehicle) and I make it a point plant myself in a visible place, so it's nice to be given a little something in return :) Don't think there's *quite* the danger of world peace breaking out, but it's a start!
From comments - thankx!!
Maps to download:

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Coupla Routes

From Myra Ridge to Campus:

From Urbana to Parkland (the northern route)

Next step in the process: go find out what the latest in "google maps" is about 'cause I think I can make prettified ones.